E & L Services, Inc. uses the latest in brake fluid analysis. FASCAR™ is a simple visual test to determine the contamination level of your brake fluid. To test, immerse the new Strip Dip™ into vehicle’s brake fluid for 1 second and within 30-120 seconds the reaction zone will change colors depending on the contaminant level in the brake fluid. Use the FASCAR™ color scale to compare the reaction zone color to determine the FASCAR™ rating.
FASCAR color key brake fluid analysis
Brake fluid is formulated with corrosion inhibitors to protect the hydraulic system. Over time these inhibitors are depleted, reducing the protection they afford. This “wearing” of brake fluid is accompanied by the accumulation of complex “alpha” (or first) contamination indicators that act as a pre-corrosion warning. FASCAR™ accurately measures these alpha contaminants. The Strip Dip™ is designed to interact with these alpha contaminants to determine the overall level of brake fluid contamination. The resulting color of the test strip is an easy, visually accurate method to prove the need for a brake system flush. FASCAR™ will also measure the residual contamination left by an inefficient system flush.
FASCAR Rating – Age in Months – brake fluid analysis
The FASCAR Rating ™ scale from 0 to 100 gives the technician a way to determine the approximate age of the brake fluid and determine whether the brake fluid needs to be changed (See Chart below). Age is important because we know that brake fluid wears over time. Some vehicle manufacturers recommend changing the fluid every one to two years, while others have no recommendation at all. You can know for sure by using the Strip Dip™. The FASCAR™ rating will vary with brake fluid age, vehicle mileage and environmental conditions. FASCAR™ ratings of 75 or more indicate the brake fluid’s ability to fight corrosion has been compromised. For FASCAR™ ratings above 75, we recommend a brake system flush.
If you wait until your brake fluid fails a moisture test, it’s too late! After brake fluid corrosion inhibitors are severely depleted, corrosion of the internal components begins. Corrosion can pit the metal bores of the master cylinder, slave cylinders and ABS components. This means that pistons cannot move freely, seals can be damaged and cylinders can develop internal or external leaks. A thorough brake fluid flush-and-fill seems like cheap insurance.
FASCAR™ Copyright © 2000 Phoenix Systems LLC
Ron became the company president of E & L Service, Inc. in 1991 at the request of his grand-parents. With an automotive and heavy equipment background, Ron's focus is to bring the highest quality repair & towing services to Lapeer residents.